Map Room Minutes Tuesday 4th February 13:00 - 15:00 hrs
Nine agents attended.
Two have joined the Female Axillary Nursing Yeolmanry F.A.N.Y.s. One operating in Inverness the other location undisclosed.
One agent involved in jungle warfare in Brunei.
Everyone agreed the Kirk's Reception Room is a better Map Room due to the warm conditions. This allowed us to be more focused and productive. We will continue to meet here.
Agent 007 is knitting a FANY. It was agreed if her legs aren't too long we will knit more. Agent 007's legs are acceptable.
Each agent gave a progress report including what they're having for dinner.
We now have 23 soldiers ready for action. Eight are on a waiting list to be stitched up.
Tonight for dinner all agents will be eating either baked potatoes, sardines and things left over from other meals.
The Staff Sergeant is restricting her vegetable intake.
Agent 007 will hopefully receive a long service medal and is eating out.
A special mention is given to Agent 3 who is eating home made lasagne.
Agent 666 is eating out of a packet.
Agent 115 volunteered eating a Crunchie at 19:00 hrs. This practice was endorsed by quite a few.
Agent HBI reported her sub division is meeting tonight. Her Captain has written a report. Please see below.
We will all report for duty on Tuesday 18th February 2025 13:00 hrs.
If you are thinking of going AWAL contact The staff sergeant
Special Report from Captain Witter [retired army catering core] received at 15:00 hrs today
Agent H.B.I has reported a strange mixture of issues amongst some of her soldiers. It is believed that they will be unsuitable for normal operations and should form a special platoon to guard against invasion of the local area instead of being deployed elsewhere.
This soldiers exhibit features such as: a strange elephantitis, where only one leg is swollen more than the other; many limp due to bent bones in their legs and damage caused in the great war; a number of heads which fall to one side or the other; Due to a shortage of supplies, many have boots with holes in them; and many carry substitute for rifles, such as brooms and rakes which will amuse the enemy rather than frighten them!
It is suggested that all agents should identify such people and notify agent H.B.I. All such soldiers can be formed into a unit known as “the home guard“.
This new unit will parade on a Saturday morning and will provide much needed lightness of heart for spectators lining the local high Street.
End of special report which is, of course, in confidence
Map Room Minutes Tuesday 21st January 2025
We have 15 registered agents
The agents in attendance all agreed to knit ten soldiers each by 6/6/25
We have a double agent. The necessary action has been taken.
One agent is AWL and undercover in Brunie
One agent will be visiting the Normandy Beaches in June. Tactics were discussed and objectives set
One new agent has been recruited
As a group we have completed 10 soldiers
We have an undercover group. They call themselves the Avenue Knitters and have four agents all registered as Wool Warriors
We confirmed D-D 6th June 2025
Next Map Room Meeting Tuesday 4th February.
Points for our next meeting contact your Staff Sergeant